Making music with muscle power – Leipzig start-up develops unique fitness method

Prof. Fritz, with Jymmin you have combined exercise and music in a completely new way. How did you come up with the idea?

That sounds great! How would you describe the effect to someone who has never tried it?
The feeling you get is comparable to the runner’s high. Experienced athletes usually feel this after they have been running for about half an hour. With Jymmin, everyone can reach this level of euphoria within just ten minutes.
We’ve heard that Jymmin has quite an exciting history.

What groups benefit from Jymmin in particular?
We’ve been using Jymmin with high-performance athletes and various patient groups for about three years now. One of the things we’ve noticed is that people who exercise with Jymmin after suffering a stroke have much better motor skills after two weeks than they would have had with conventional exercise techniques.
Even patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s or are in a persistent vegetative state respond to Jymmin on an entirely instinctive level. We also work with traumatised refugees in Leipzig. Now that we have officially established ourselves as a company, we can offer our services to a larger number of customers in Germany and also abroad.
What positive developments have you and your research team observed?

And on top of that there’s the “band effect”…

So, were managers of health and rehabilitation centres open to the idea of Jymmin?
Our combination of music and exercise is completely new and unique. It’s astonishing how much interest potential partners from the health and fitness sector have shown in it. We are deliberately breaking away from the principle that good athletic movements need to be exact and controlled from beginning to end, and that you should be able to keep count.
How do you explain the fact that Jymmin works so well?

You had several offers to set up your company abroad. Despite that, you chose to base yourselves in Leipzig. What convinced you?
I must confess that the brilliant team of co-inventors I work with here in Leipzig is one of the main reasons why I want to make this city my home permanently.
There is also the fact that we’ve taken our company forward an incredibly long way here in Leipzig without very much money. We would have needed a disproportionate amount of funding to do that anywhere else, and the company would probably no longer belong to us now. What’s more, in Saxony we work with a range of organisations including the Leipzig outpatient clinic for cognitive neurology, the Mosaik Association, Arnsdorf Hospital and Dresden University Hospital.
Find out more about Jymmin here.
Photos by ©Anne Schwerin