Steve, how did you have the idea to print T-Shirts with scientific motives?
I have studied physics at the university of technology in Dresden and already during the studies some witty “nerd shirts” with quantum equations and similar ran into me. However, I rather wanted to have something more discreet, which has a connection to my subject though, but not everybody should recognize me immediately as a physicist. I wanted to create a shirt, which looks simply good at frst sight and just with one more look you can put out the meaning behind it.
How have you founded your label?

What’s the meaning of your label?
I have searched a name, which has a relation to the university because I wanted to appeal to the students and graduates who are interested in science. So “university” should be a part of it. I used the word “unipolar” very often in my doctoral thesis. Although I have misapplied it in its real sense and my second proofreader has criticised it, I have decided to name my label this way because it perfectly describes it. In addition I also have a personal relation to it.
How many motives are there up to now and how do they originate?
Up to now there are 14 motives from 12 subjects, for example, physics, biology, mathematics and mechanical engineering, but also music, philosophy and political science. I often get advice from my friends, who study different subjects or I meet up with professors who give me an insight into their feld. I create the motives with different graphic programs and print them with the silk screen printing on textile foil. Then the motives get fxed with pressure and heat with a textile press.
Since when does your store in Dresden exist?

What are your plans for the future?

Do you have an advice for other young founders?
Hang on and do not sell under value!
All photos ©Kai Bergmann